How to Download  the Trailer:

You have several options to view the trailer. The trailer consists of some of the music and voices and stills from the video and will give you a flavor for the video.  The video itself is in color and 117 minutes long.

The .ram file will download the quickest. It is 248 KB. You  will need a RealAudio Player if you do not have it on your computer already,  which you can download for free. (It's good to have it for other things too, so go ahead and take the plunge. :) Depending on your modem speed, it should take a minute or so to download the trailer; it won't be quite as crisp as the large sized files below, but you'll get an idea of the video. Click on the colored words .ram file above;  if your computer doesn't have a Realplayer, it may ask you at that point if you want to download the Realplayer, click yes;  if your computer doesn't ask, but tells you you need a Realplayer, click on the Realplayer icon at the bottom of this page. If you have an older, slower, computer, the video may be quite jerky, and in that case do not load the bigger files listed below.  Some MACs may have a problem with Realplayer, if that happens, the .mov file below will work fine.

The .avi file is 3,407 KB, which is bigger, and therefore will take longer to download, approximately 10-15 minutes depending on speed of your modem.  When your browser (such as Netscape) downloads it, it will appear as a black square.  Double click on the square and it will play. If you have a MAC  you won't be able to view this file unless you have an .avi to Quicktime Converter too. Quicktime Player, another free download, and other players will let you view this. Some computers will not let you view .avi files for some reason.  If that is the case, the .ram file and .mov file will have to do.   :)

The .mov file is 3,955 KB.  If you have a slow (14) modem, this will take about 45 minutes to download.  If you have a fast (56) modem it will take you about 22 minutes to download.  If  you don't mind the wait, this will be the best choice.  If you click on this you may be told  you have an old version of Quicktime and do you want an updated version. Just say yes to 'download Quicktime';  Quicktime3 is about 6 MB; this will take about 30 minutes to download, depending on the speed of your modem.  If it doesn't ask you about Quicktime, and you know you don't have it, click on the icon for Quicktime below. The Quicktime player works with both Mac and PC's.


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